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[Tutorial] Tracking COVID-19 World Bank Funding by Country
Maps show how World Bank's $160-bn emergency COVID-19 response fund will be spent
How is Suspending Debt Service Payments Helping the Fight Against COVID-19? Expert Answers
Data for Development and COVID-19 | Resilient Recovery Series
Tackling the COVID-19 Pandemic of Inequality to Build a Green, Inclusive, & Resilient Recovery
How the World Bank is responding to the coronavirus economic crisis and extreme poverty
CUGH 2023 Satellite Session 39: Lessons from the World Bank’s Early Response to the COVID19 Pandemic
Inclusive Digital ID for a Resilient Recovery from COVID-19
How the private sector is adapting to Covid-19: country-level analysis from the World Bank
Supporting Fair and Equal Access to a COVID-19 Vaccine | Resilient Recovery Series
COVID-19 and Rising Inequality: Expediting a Return to an Inclusive and Sustainable Recovery
World Bank sets aside $1.9 bln to fight novel coronavirus pandemic